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2024-07-13 星期六


14:00-15:40 | Invited Session IS070: Statistical Inference for Biological and Medical Data
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:25 邀请报告

Microbial Causal Mediation Inference with Microbiome/Metagenomic data

Huilin Li New York University
2 14:25-14:50 邀请报告

Adaptive Estimation in Multivariate Response Regression with Hidden Variables

Yang Ning Cornell University
3 14:50-15:15 邀请报告

Manifold Learning for Noisy and High-Dimensional Datasets

丁秀才 加州大学戴维斯
4 15:15-15:40 邀请报告

Sensitivity Analysis for Quantiles of Hidden Biases in Matched Observational Studies

Xinran Li University of Chicago
16:00-17:40 | Invited Session IS087: Data Science and Business Intelligence Statistical Analysis (数据科学与商业智能统计分析)
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:25 邀请报告

New Thinking and Development in Data Analysis 数据分析的新思维与新发展

Jianping Zhu Xiamen University
2 16:25-16:50 邀请报告

From Specific Models to LLMs: Revolutionizing Problem Solving with Generative AI

华佳林 江西财经大学
3 16:50-17:15 邀请报告

Predicting Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods Based on Web Search Data and Deep Neural Networks 基于网络搜索数据和深度神经网络的社会消费品零售总额预测研究

Kaiming Cheng Zhejiang Gongshang University
4 17:15-17:40 邀请报告

A Study on Empowering High Quality Development and Efficiency Improvement Path of Industrial Industry with New Productivity: Empirical Analysis Based on Random Forest Algorithm 新质生产力赋能工业行业高质量发展及其效率提升路径研究—基于随机森林算法的实证分析

Min Zhang Chongqing Technology and Business University