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2024-07-14 星期日


08:30-10:10 | Invited Session IS023: Deep Generative Models
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 08:30-08:55 邀请报告

Efficient Training Algorithms for Neural Networks 神经网络的高效训练算法

陈键飞 清华大学
2 08:55-09:20 邀请报告

Conditional Stochastic Interpolation for Generative Learning

Guohao Shen The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
3 09:20-09:45 邀请报告

Score Identity Distillation: Exponentially Fast Distillation of Pretrained Diffusion Models for One-Step Generation

Mingyuan Zhou University of Texas, Austin
4 09:45-10:10 邀请报告

Gaussian Denoising for Generative Learning

高源 香港理工大学
10:30-12:10 | Invited Session IS038: New Statistical Methods for Complex Imaging and Genetics Data
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 10:30-10:55 邀请报告

Cortical Surface Alignment Based on Continuous Structural Connectivity

Zhengwu Zhang University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2 10:55-11:20 邀请报告

TCRpred: Incorporating T-Cell Receptor Repertoire for Clinical Outcome Prediction

Qianchuan He Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
3 11:20-11:45 邀请报告

Brain Aging Chart for Understanding Complex Aging Process via Multimodal Data Integration

Haochang Shou University of Pennsylvania
4 11:45-12:10 邀请报告

LP-Micro: Explainable Longitudinal Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods on Disease Outcomes from Microbiome Data

Di Wu University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
14:00-15:40 | Invited Session IS032: Model-Agnostic Statistical Inference
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:25 邀请报告

Multiple Testing of Linear Forms for Noisy Matrix Completion

杜理论 香港城市大学
2 14:25-14:50 邀请报告

CAP: A General Algorithm for Online Selective Conformal Prediction with FCR Control

包亚杰 上海交通大学
3 14:50-15:15 邀请报告

Real-Time Selection under General Constraints via Predictive Inference

Haojie Ren Shanghai Jiao Tong University
4 15:15-15:40 邀请报告

Algorithm-Agnostic Inference After Change Point Detection

王光辉 华东师范大学
16:00-17:40 | Invited Session IS064: Research on the Statistics and Development of Networked Economic and Social Systems in the Context of Digital Intelligence Technology
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:25 邀请报告

Research on the Construction of Theoretical Framework of Intelligent Academic Evaluation 智能学术评价的理论框架构建研究

俞立平 浙江工商大学
2 16:25-16:50 邀请报告

Government Attention Index for National Governance Modernization with Its Application — Measurement Based on News Text 国家治理现代化政府注意力指数构建及其应用

方匡南 厦门大学
3 16:50-17:15 邀请报告

Statistical Analysis Methods and Applications in Financial Networks under the Background of Digital Intelligence 数智化背景下金融网络统计分析方法与应用研究

欧阳资生 湖南师范大学
4 17:15-17:40 邀请报告

Network Statistics of Economic and Social Systems in the Age of Data Intelligence 数智化时代经济社会系统网络统计

方国斌 安徽财经大学