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2024-07-14 星期日


08:30-10:10 | Invited Session IS019: Financial Machine Learning
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 08:30-08:55 邀请报告

Corporate Risk Disclosures, Stock Price Comovement, and Expected Returns

尤海峰 清华大学
2 08:55-09:20 邀请报告

Mitigating Estimation Risk in High Dimensional Portfolio Selection

袁明 Columbia University
3 09:20-09:45 邀请报告

Learning the Stochastic Discount Factor

Xinghua Zheng The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
10:30-12:10 | Invited Session IS043: Panel Data and Microeconometrics
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 10:30-10:55 邀请报告

On the Inconsistency of Cluster-Robust Inference and How Subsampling Can Fix It

Yulong Wang Syracuse University
2 10:55-11:20 邀请报告

Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Panel Data Models with Multi-Level Interactive Fixed Effects

陆迅 香港中文大学
3 11:20-11:45 邀请报告

DeepMed: Semiparametric Causal Mediation Analysis with Debiased Deep Learning

Zhonghua Liu Columbia University
4 11:45-12:10 邀请报告

Smoothed Quantile Regression for Panel Data with Mixed Group Structure

李海奇 湖南大学
14:00-15:40 | Invited Session IS093: Mathematical Foundations in AI
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:25 邀请报告

Two Phases of Scaling Laws for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

杨朋昆 清华大学
2 14:25-14:50 邀请报告

Accelerated Gradient Algorithms with Adaptive Subspace Search for Instance-Faster Optimization 实例更快的加速梯度下降算法

Cong Fang Peking University
3 14:50-15:15 邀请报告

Constrained Policy Optimization with Explicit Behavior Density for Offline Reinforcement Learning

王文佳 香港科技大学霍英东研究院
4 15:15-15:40 邀请报告

Understanding the In-Context Learning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Yong Liu Renmin University of China
16:00-17:40 | Invited Session IS098: Spatial and Network Econometrics
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:25 邀请报告

Estimation and Selection of High Order Spatial Autoregressive Models with Adaptive Elastic Net

刘拓 厦门大学
2 16:25-16:50 邀请报告

Applications of Functional Dependence to Spatial Econometrics

许杏柏 厦门大学
3 16:50-17:15 邀请报告

Testing the Number of Network Communities Using the Eigengap Ratio

兰伟 西南财经大学
4 17:15-17:40 邀请报告

Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects: M-Estimation and Inference under Fixed or Relatively Small T

李俪遥 华东师范大学