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2024-07-14 星期日


08:30-10:10 | Contributed Session CS029:Interdisciplinary and Applied Research: Statistical Analysis on Medical and Economic Data
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 08:30-08:50 贡献报告

Dual Cox Model Theory and Its Application in Oncology Research 对偶Cox模型理论及其在肿瘤学研究的应用

周昊津 西交利物浦大学
2 08:50-09:10 贡献报告

A Study on the Light Variation of Active Galactic Nuclei Based on Probability Theory and Statistical Methods 基于概率论统计方法对活动星系核光变的研究

张海云 云南大学
3 09:10-09:30 贡献报告

Static and Dynamic Connectivity Patterns of White Matter Functional Networks in the Adult Life Cycle 成人生命周期中白质功能网络的静态和动态连通模式

林李泽强 广东外语外贸大学
4 09:30-09:50 贡献报告

The Direct Impact and Spatial Effect of Digital Economy Driving Rural Residents' Service Consumption under the Background of Rural Revitalization 乡村振兴背景下数字经济驱动农村居民服务消费的直接影响和空间效应

Jia Liu Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College
5 09:50-10:10 贡献报告

Inference for ARMA Time Series with Mildly Varying Trend

易盈淮 清华大学
10:30-12:10 | Contributed Session CS035:Model Averaging/Cross Disciplinary Research in Statistics
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 10:30-10:50 贡献报告

Spectrally-Corrected and Regularized LDA for Spiked Model

李华 长春大学
2 10:50-11:10 贡献报告

Synchronization of Delayed Neural Networks via Intermittent Sampled-Data Control

杨莹 云南大学
3 11:10-11:30 贡献报告

Robust Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis with Mixture of Exponential Power Distributions

冯峥晖 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)
4 11:30-11:50 贡献报告

Evaluating Distortion Between as-Designed and as-Built Geometries from a Superposition of Resonant Mode Shapes

Qing Li Iowa State University
5 11:50-12:10 贡献报告

Optimal Conditional Quantile Prediction via Model Averaging of Partially Linear Additive Models

吕晶 西南大学
14:00-15:40 | Contributed Session CS043:Recent Advances in Differentially Private and Complex Data Model
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:20 贡献报告

Causal Inference in Randomized Experiments for Dyadic Data

李奕霖 北京大学
2 14:20-14:40 贡献报告

Optimal Locally Private Nonparametric Classification with Public Data

马宇恒 中国人民大学
3 14:40-15:00 贡献报告

A Data-Driven Weighted Combination Approach for Wind Speed Distribution Estimation Based on Curve Clustering

庄丹 福建师范大学
4 15:00-15:20 贡献报告

Two-Sample Distribution Tests in High Dimensions via Max-Sliced Wasserstein Distance and Bootstrapping

胡晓玉 新加坡国立大学
5 15:20-15:40 贡献报告

Differentially Private Top-K Selection and Its Application

王雅轩 四川大学
16:00-17:40 | Contributed Session CS051:Quantile Regression and Dimension Reduction
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:20 贡献报告

Tree-Guided Compositional Variable Selection Analysis of Microbiome Data

毛一聪 北京大学
2 16:20-16:40 贡献报告

Heterogeneous Predictability on Mutual Fund Alphas: A Sparse Clustering GMM Approach

杨江山 香港城市大学
3 16:40-17:00 贡献报告

Sliced Inverse Regression with Large Structural Dimensions

黄东明 National University of Singapore
4 17:00-17:20 贡献报告

Estimation of Average Treatment Effect for High-Dimensional Panel Data via Random Forests-Based Variable Selection

Xuehong Luo Xiamen University
5 17:20-17:40 贡献报告

A Likelihood Function Perspective on Quantile Regression Model

姜喆 昆明理工大学