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2024-07-12 星期五


14:00-15:40 | Invited Session IS005: AI and Machine Learning in Complex Biomedical Data
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:25 邀请报告

Tackling Biased, Incomplete Data in Electronic Health Records

Qi Long University of Pennsylvania
2 14:25-14:50 邀请报告

Bias Correction Models for Electronic Health Records Data in the Presence of Non-random Sampling

Judy Zhong New York University
3 14:50-15:15 邀请报告

Federated Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects

Rui Duan Harvard University
16:00-17:40 | Invited Session IS006: AI and Machine Learning in Single Cell Genomic
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:25 邀请报告

Integrating Transcriptomic and Pathomic Features to Reconstruct 3D Tissue Maps with Super-Resolution

Mingyao Li University of Pennsylvania
2 16:25-16:50 邀请报告

A Hybrid Approach for Selecting Highly Variable Genes in Single-Cell RNA-Seq

Hongkai Ji Johns Hopkins University
3 16:50-17:15 邀请报告

Supervised Deep Learning with Gene Annotation for Cell Classification

Wei Sun Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center