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Anass El Yaagoubi

Anass is a Data Scientist by training. He holds a M.Eng. from the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rouen Normandie (France) in Information Systems Architecture as well as a M.Sc. from Normandie University (France) in Data Science and Engineering. 

During the Spring of 2019, Anass joined professor Ombao's BIOSTATS research group as a visiting student. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the statistics program.

In recent years, Anass has dedicated his expertise to a range of complex inference problems. His work primarily encompasses the development of online estimation techniques for time-varying Vector Autoregressive (tvVAR) models, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of real-time data analysis. Additionally, Anass has made significant contributions to the field of neuroscience, specifically in the topological analysis of brain networks. This involves applying advanced statistical methods to unravel the intricate connections within the brain. Beyond research, Anass is also actively involved in academia, teaching Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at various levels, where he imparts his knowledge and insights to aspiring students and professionals in the field.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-07-13 15:15-15:40 A201-202

Invited Session IS022: Frontier of Statistics Machine Learning

讲者 Topological Analysis of Seizure-Induced Alterations in the Causal Pathways of Effective Brain Connectivity