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All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2024-07-12 [Friday]
  • 2024-07-13 [Saturday]
  • 2024-07-14 [Sunday]
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2024-07-12 Friday

(UTC+8) 2024-07-12 Local Time

14:00-15:40 (UTC+8) 14:00-15:40 Local Time |
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 14:00-15:40 14:00-15:40 Symposium

History of Statistics in China

Wei Yuan
16:00-17:40 (UTC+8) 16:00-17:40 Local Time |
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 16:00-16:25 16:00-16:25 invited Session

Solving Large-Scale Sparse Equations with Tree Structures and Its Applications to Optical Fiber Networks

Bingyi Jing Southern University of Science and Technology
2 16:25-16:50 16:25-16:50 invited Session

Integrating Statistical Learning and Deep Learning for Efficient and Interpretable Analysis of Complex Unstructured Data

Ke Deng Tsinghua University
3 16:50-17:15 16:50-17:15 invited Session

Exploring Novel Uncertainty Quantification through Forward Intensity Function Modeling

Cheng Yong Tang Temple University
4 17:15-17:40 17:15-17:40 invited Session

Dynamic Synthetic Control Method for Semiparametric Time-Varying Additive Autoregression Model

Shouxia Wang Peking University