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2024-07-13 星期六


14:00-15:40 | Invited Session IS022: Frontier of Statistics Machine Learning
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 14:00-14:25 邀请报告

An Adaptive Transfer Learning Framework for Functional Classification

柏杨 上海财经大学
2 14:25-14:50 邀请报告

Modeling Spatio-Temporal Extremes with Conditional Variational Autoencoders

Likun Zhang University of Missouri
3 14:50-15:15 邀请报告

Bayesian Biclustering and Its Application in Education Data Analysis

Weining Shen University of California, Irvine
4 15:15-15:40 邀请报告

Topological Analysis of Seizure-Induced Alterations in the Causal Pathways of Effective Brain Connectivity

Anass El Yaagoubi KAUST
16:00-17:40 | Invited Session IS082: Trustworthy AI
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
1 16:00-16:25 邀请报告

A Network-Based Decentralization Scheme for Recommender Systems

Xuan Bi University of Minnesota
2 16:25-16:50 邀请报告

Is Knowledge All Large Language Models Needed for Causal Reasoning?

Hengrui Cai University of California, Irvine
3 16:50-17:15 邀请报告

On Tracking Structural Changes in Dynamic Heterogeneous Networks

Junhui Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4 17:15-17:40 邀请报告

PhiBE: A Physics-Informed Bellman Equation for Continuous Time Reinforcement Learning

Yuhua Zhu University of California, Los Angeles